Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New breakfast love

Hey y'all. I had such a great breakfast this morning that I couldn't keep it to myself.

Ricera Rice Yogurt. OMG. Last week I made my first visit to the Whole Foods on Huron. I was getting a little tired of my usual Trader Joe's soy yogurt so I picked up a few different brands and types of vegan yogurts.

Why should we eat this yogurt stuff anyway? Ask Jamie Lee Curtis. Or just watch the collection of unintentionally hilarious (non-vegan) yogurt commercials over the past few years:

But I digress. To get to the point of this post, Ricera Organic Blueberry Rice Yogurt, consumed by yours truly for the first time this morning, is my new favorite "yogurt." Low in fat, with a little fiber and protein, and extremely delicious. Did you hear me? EXTREMELY delicious. A little bit sweet, a little bit tart, just like me.

Product of the Day: Seriously? Did you not read the beginning of the post? Here:

Monday, September 7, 2009

A laborious lunch

Happy Labor Day!

Just a quick post to tell you about an easy lunch I just made up today.

I started with a FlatOut Light Italian Herb Wrap, spread a bit of Sabra Hummus with Roasted Pine Nuts, then added alfalfa sprouts, three slices of Lightlife Smart Deli Turkey, and steamed zucchini and yellow squash. I'm making this for my lunches this week to take to work, but I'm thinking about substituting the hummus with a pinch of dijon mustard. I think both versions sound equally yummy.

In preparation for the Chicago Half Marathon next weekend, I ran 10 miles yesterday, which gave me just enough of a feeling of accomplishment to completely coast through the rest of the weekend.